Dentist Information
Between them, Ken Green and Howard Lloyd have over 40 years' experience in providing endodontic treatment on referral, working with dental colleagues from around the UK. We are happy to provide first-time treatment, repeat root canal treatment, surgical procedures and second opinions. Referrals are welcome by letter, fax or email. In urgent situations, we are happy to schedule appointments following a telephone referral, but request patients to bring a written referral with them when they attend.
Where possible, please send any relevant radiographs that may help with treatment planning and scheduling of appointments. Any loaned films will be returned promptly.
Patients in pain will be seen as soon as possible when referred by telephone. Please call the practice early in the day to arrange emergency treatment. All patients are seen on a private basis and an estimate will be given prior to commencement of treatment. This will be followed by a written treatment plan, explanation of treatment and an estimate of costs.
You will receive a written or e-mail report at the completion of treatment, including copies of radiographs and where appropriate, clinical images from the microscope.