Why Refer to Ken & Howard
At Ken Green & Howard Lloyd – We offer a full range of endodontic treatments, including taking care of previously failed or inadequate treatment. Our ethos is very firmly on the preservation of natural teeth - we will never extract teeth unless there is no alternative.
Our referral process is quick and easy, and because endodontics is all we do, you can be sure that your patients will return to you for their general care. Our referring dentists tell us their patients are often grateful for the referral, delighted that their tooth has been saved, and show a renewed interest in their oral healthcare.
When to refer
It's not always easy to know when you should refer a patient, especially with something as complex as endodontics.
We usually recommend referral of patients who fall under complexity codes 2 and 3 based on the Restorative Index of Treatment Need (RIOTN) (FDS RCS Eng).
The FDS has provided the following guidance as part of its risk management strategy:
- Complexity code 1 - can be performed by any dental graduate
- Complexity code 2 - can be performed by any experienced dentist
- Complexity code 3 - can be performed by any dentist with skills developed following specialist training.
Some modifying factors can also increase the need for referral, including endodontic retreatment, difficult access and the patient's medical history. If you are unsure about whether to refer, we are happy to advise you either by phone or email.